I have been using the same template for a couple weeks now and everything's been fine until today when 75% of my plugins stopped loading... I'm not sure where to start because it's pretty much across the board with every company's plugins. I thought it was just sonible at first but I quickly found out that although they appear to load, when I attempt to open the plugin window most of them hang on either a black or white box.
If the box is black I can close it. If the box is white and I attempt to close it it gets stuck and sends me the error message "Plug-In host is not responding"
I have had lots of problems loading plugins in the past month from Band-In-A-Box (which still is unusable within Bitwig) to SWAM instruments which i guess I solved by selecting "Open Individually" for just those plugins.
I have been using the same template for a couple weeks now and everything's been fine until today when 75% of my plugins stopped loading... I'm not sure where to start because it's pretty much across the board with every company's plugins. I thought it was just sonible at first but I quickly found out that although they appear to load, when I attempt to open the plugin window most of them hang on either a black or white box.
If the box is black I can close it. If the box is white and I attempt to close it it gets stuck and sends me the error message "Plug-In host is not responding"
I have had lots of problems loading plugins in the past month from Band-In-A-Box (which still is unusable within Bitwig) to SWAM instruments which i guess I solved by selecting "Open Individually" for just those plugins.
Statistics: Posted by Patt Erns — Wed Feb 28, 2024 1:29 am — Replies 0 — Views 22