G'day all... Is it possible to increase the tempo of an entire project? (And without changing the pitch.) I tried resetting the tempo from 100bpm to 105bpm, but all that changed was the speed of the metronome and the position of bar markers. I have all clips set to "remap on tempo change", but it seem that no remapping of the clips took place when I changed the tempo.
If all else fails, I can wait till the project is finished and then speed up a rendering of the project, but that's not the solution I'm hoping for. Thanks for any help.
If all else fails, I can wait till the project is finished and then speed up a rendering of the project, but that's not the solution I'm hoping for. Thanks for any help.
Statistics: Posted by Ally007 — Wed Jan 10, 2024 10:32 am — Replies 0 — Views 32