On synths that feature a virtual piano keyboard, such as Hive 2 and Repro-5, clicking near the bottom of a key the synth plays a note velocity close to 127, and clicking near the top plays a note velocity close to 0. Today I ordered a Korg Keystage which has poly AT but I won't receive it till Thursday, and just now I was trying to modulate a parameter in Hive 2 using poly AT and, without a keyboard with poly AT, I found myself clicking and swiping up on the virtual piano keys hopign Hive 2 might actually interpret that gesture as "increase poly pressure", but it didn't work. So my feature suggestion is that it would be a nice feature if U-he synths that have a virtual keyboard could interpret the swipe-up gesture as "increase poly pressure" and the swipe-down as reduce poly pressure. Hopefully that makes sense.
Statistics: Posted by Scoox — Tue Mar 05, 2024 11:27 pm — Replies 0 — Views 29